I have taken a much to long break from my blog. This past summer has been more than a whirlwind of events and drama. Aside from my health in this pregnancy being beyond terrible and basically forcing me to give up all activity I also figured you all wouldn't want to read one depressing, complaining, whiny post after the other. While I am still not healthy I feel much more encouraged these days. We finally have a treatment plan in place for my nausea that seems to be working and there is only 15 weeks left to this pregnancy which definitely makes me feel like there is an end in sight. Evelyn has started back up into all her activities and has begun preschool. I feel like I can take some time for myself and the things I love again.
For me to fully catch you all up on our lives the last few months would literally be way to long a post for anyone to enjoyably read so I will give you a quick little breakdown of our summer through pictures once I have my husband take the pictures off our camera...yes, I should be able to do it but Mike just does such a good job...lol
For those of you who have facebooked, emailed, called....etc. over the summer I thank you for your love and encouragement. Your prayers and well wishes mean more to our family than I could ever adequately express. The meals brought by friends and family were delicious and they really lightened our load. We so appreciate everything! We can hardly wait for Harper Grethe Roy to come into the world and meet all of you who love her so much already.