Monday, April 7, 2014

mama. baby. drama: Sunshine Award

mama. baby. drama: Sunshine Award: Isn't it fitting that I noticed this little nomination from a fellow blogger right when the sunshine came up and started shining down on...

Sunshine Award

Isn't it fitting that I noticed this little nomination from a fellow blogger right when the sunshine came up and started shining down on us. It appears spring has finally arrived. We have survived first winter and overcome our disappointment when second winter appeared again and now we are enjoying the sun and I actually got to run in capris and a tank top without a long sleeve shirt, a jacket, a toque and mitts over top! Hallelujah!

So, back to my sunshine award. A fellow blogger who is so sweet and has the most wonderful sharings of life which can be found here nominated me for a Sunshine award. Karen lives with purpose and balance. It is really inspiring to follow along and see how another Mommy finds balance in her life because let's face it, as a Mom, it is the one thing that always seems to get the best of me!

One part of the sunshine award is that I am to share 11 things about myself so here goes...

1. I ran over 40 km last week. This to me is a huge accomplishment. It means if I break down my four runs of the week I averaged 10km/run. There was a time in my life that I didn't run 10km in a week so the fact that I do it several times a week is quite a testament to how seriously I have taken my health.

2. This past weekend was incredibly emotional for me. I had visits with two friends who have cancer diagnosis right now. It is not an easy journey they are on yet they manage to walk this road with grace. I am inspired by their spirit and tenacity.

3. We lived outside all weekend. The sun was shining and therefore we were not allowed to be inside. I was more than a little giddy to hear all the neighborhood kids playing in the street.

4. I am type A. I like to be in control. This is something that I am perpetually learning to not control. It is never easy.

5. As I have aged I notice things like crows feet appearing on my face. Some days that make me happy, they are attached to memories and smiles. Other days I think they just make me look older than I am.

6. I believe whole heartedly that God has given me a purpose. I try to live a purpose driven life because o f that.

7. I heart coffee.
Chocolate is my other love. Rich, dark chocolate.

8. Sometimes I forget what my life was like PM (pre Mike) then once in awhile I remember and I am so grateful to have found my lobster. He is the perfect person for me and I can not imagine one day of my life without him. Also, he does all the laundry!

9. As I have gotten older I have learned to value the simplicity of  a good friendship. I no longer crave lots of friends or popularity. Instead I am thankful for the few strong friendships I have developed.

10. I wish I had a green thumb and a garden.

11. I like to add a little orange to my protein shake. It tastes like a creamsicle which tricks me into thinking I am having a milkshake for

I will be nominating others for a Sunshine award in the coming weeks so stay tuned!