The 'Sweetpea' baby mp3 player is a fab item! It is cute, easy to use and my personal fave Mommy feature of it...only Mom and Dad can change the volume. The Sweetpea is great for lulling babies to sleep in their crib, letting your toddler dance around to their favorite tunes and great for taking out of the house as it is durable. I am quite certain our sweetpea has been through more than any toy should go through and it keeps on working. We have owned ours for over a year now and it is still a favorite in the car, on trips and in bed for Evelyn. The player comes prerecorded with a handful of stories and songs plus with a simple process (even I can figure out) you can add all your own music and stories. Currently ours has most of the original come with stories and songs plus a few of Evelyn's current favorite bands...Bobs and Lolo, Pearl Jam and the Beetles. Yes, I said Pearl Jam and the Beetles. Evelyn has an eclectic taste in music for a two year old. This is likely Mike's

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