Ok, so I am fully aware of the fact that I haven't been on here in quite some time. The worst part of it is that on almost a daily basis I think "I should blog about this" and then...I don't.
It seems like life has taken full hold of us and sent our little family on quite a roller coaster ride since I posted last. Here is a short little breakdown...
We had a "surprise" pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage late in my first trimester. This was tough. We had started thinking about names, told our friends and family, started making plans and then suddenly the baby wasn't there. I truly believe that things happen for a reason so I am working on moving on but every once in a while I catch myself thinking about how big my belly would be by now or thinking about if we would have had a girl or boy. Through this journey I came across an incredibly encouraging saying..."Keep calm. Be still. Humble yourself under the might hand of God and carry on". This has been a huge source of comfort and encouragement for me as I continue on with this thing called life.
We had a great visit out to my family in the states. Evelyn is so nuts about all her American family so we always look forward to visits out there. We had to cancel a few plans along the way due to all of us experiencing the nastiest of flus ever but nonetheless we had great evenings filled with games, movies and visiting with our most beloved people. In those moments it makes me sad that my family does not live closer but alas...
Mike had an incredibly enlightening experience in Haiti. He came home with a new perspective and I am still so proud of all the hard work accomplished by him and his team. They managed to put the roof and trusses on an entire building and the medical team saw 400 people in three days! God is good!
The latest news is that I have started a new job working for a GPS company. This has been a HUGE learning curve for me but I am truly enjoying this new job. I am starting to feel comfortable with my responsibilities and hitting my stride. And it doesn't hurt that I am actually getting paid reasonably well for my efforts ;)
Evelyn is continuing to grow and develop. Princesses are still a very big deal around here as are all thing pink and purple. I took Ev for her first pedi at a great little spa in Okotoks last night. We had a great time and Evelyn is loving her new nail color. I will post pictures and a story of our girly night in the next day or two.
Ok, so, now that we are all caught up I will let you in on my plan for the blog in the coming days. I hope to continue to share our stories as well as add in a few new styles of posts. My girlfriend has been writing a "ten on Tuesday" post which I love. I will be incorporating this idea into my blog. As well I plan on continuing my regular Friday posts with a little switch up. Fridays will now be a "things I <3" post. You will continue to see fun products I am enjoying as well as other loves in my life.
Glad to "see" you here again. :)