This post is dedicated to all my friends who are due, overdue, or about to have a baby in the very near future...10 old wives tales to induce labour...
1. Cod liver oil
There are reports of castor oil being used to bring on labour as far back as the Egyptians, though how it works is poorly understood. The most commonly given explanation is that it acts as a powerful laxative, and when it stimulates the gut it also stimulates the uterus and so "kick starts" labour.
2. Blowing Up Balloons
The build up of abdominal pressure encourages labour to start.
3. Eating Pineapple
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help to soften the cervix
4. Spicy Food
Spicy food is often suggested as a means of bringing on labour. There are no scientific theories relating to this, but it may be that it stimulates the gut and bowel and so encourages the uterus to get going by that means.
5. Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves putting very small needles into specific points of the body. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, this stimulates the energy within the body to restore balance and boost healing.
6. Red Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry leaf can be taken as a tea or in tablet form.
7. Walking
Being upright gets the forces of gravity working for you, encouraging the baby to move down onto the cervix.
8. Sex
Sex is thought to work in three ways: first the movement may help to stimulate the uterus into action; secondly, sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, the 'contraction' hormone; thirdly, semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins which help to soften the womb.
9. Fancy Underwear
Wear your best underwear (Murphy's law will ensure that your waters break in them).
10. Jump On A Trampoline
This is my personal favorite as it is what I attribute to my water breaking. We have a small one in our playroom that any of you are more than welcome to come and use. :)
All of the above are simply wives tales and not exactly guaranteed to work but I would appreciate it if all my preggers friends out there would utilize all of the above methods until their babies are born so that I have some new little ones to snuggle and love on!
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