This is it! The end of this pregnancy is near. I am officially in the third trimester and I can see the end. This pregnancy has been more than challenging and I am thrilled to know that in just 9 short weeks all the nausea, vomiting and discomfort will be over and our little Harper will be in my arms. There was has been several times in this pregnancy where I thought it would never end so it is definitely nice to know we are on the tail end.
My doctor has decided that an induction at 38 weeks is best so that is the plan. I thought I would feel nervous about being induced but I don't at all. I had oxytocin when I was in labour with Evelyn and I know my body responds well to it and I know that there is no risk to Harper coming a little early. These feelings may change come the day but for now I am just getting ready to decorate a nursery and preparing Evelyn for her little sister.
When delivering Evelyn I used gas but no epidural. I would like to be as natural as possible this go around as well so next on the list is researching natural induction. I am meeting with an acupuncturist and we will go from there. I would be interested to hear if any of you have been induced and if so what methods were used.
As a cute little side note I think Evelyn is getting more and more excited to welcome Harper to the world. The other day she yelled at me "just go to the hospital and have the doctor take Harper out" lol
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