Monday, April 7, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Sunshine Award
mama. baby. drama: Sunshine Award: Isn't it fitting that I noticed this little nomination from a fellow blogger right when the sunshine came up and started shining down on...
Sunshine Award
Isn't it fitting that I noticed this little nomination from a fellow blogger right when the sunshine came up and started shining down on us. It appears spring has finally arrived. We have survived first winter and overcome our disappointment when second winter appeared again and now we are enjoying the sun and I actually got to run in capris and a tank top without a long sleeve shirt, a jacket, a toque and mitts over top! Hallelujah!
So, back to my sunshine award. A fellow blogger who is so sweet and has the most wonderful sharings of life which can be found here nominated me for a Sunshine award. Karen lives with purpose and balance. It is really inspiring to follow along and see how another Mommy finds balance in her life because let's face it, as a Mom, it is the one thing that always seems to get the best of me!
One part of the sunshine award is that I am to share 11 things about myself so here goes...
1. I ran over 40 km last week. This to me is a huge accomplishment. It means if I break down my four runs of the week I averaged 10km/run. There was a time in my life that I didn't run 10km in a week so the fact that I do it several times a week is quite a testament to how seriously I have taken my health.
2. This past weekend was incredibly emotional for me. I had visits with two friends who have cancer diagnosis right now. It is not an easy journey they are on yet they manage to walk this road with grace. I am inspired by their spirit and tenacity.
3. We lived outside all weekend. The sun was shining and therefore we were not allowed to be inside. I was more than a little giddy to hear all the neighborhood kids playing in the street.
4. I am type A. I like to be in control. This is something that I am perpetually learning to not control. It is never easy.
5. As I have aged I notice things like crows feet appearing on my face. Some days that make me happy, they are attached to memories and smiles. Other days I think they just make me look older than I am.
6. I believe whole heartedly that God has given me a purpose. I try to live a purpose driven life because o f that.
7. I heart coffee.
Chocolate is my other love. Rich, dark chocolate.
8. Sometimes I forget what my life was like PM (pre Mike) then once in awhile I remember and I am so grateful to have found my lobster. He is the perfect person for me and I can not imagine one day of my life without him. Also, he does all the laundry!
9. As I have gotten older I have learned to value the simplicity of a good friendship. I no longer crave lots of friends or popularity. Instead I am thankful for the few strong friendships I have developed.
10. I wish I had a green thumb and a garden.
11. I like to add a little orange to my protein shake. It tastes like a creamsicle which tricks me into thinking I am having a milkshake for
I will be nominating others for a Sunshine award in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
So, back to my sunshine award. A fellow blogger who is so sweet and has the most wonderful sharings of life which can be found here nominated me for a Sunshine award. Karen lives with purpose and balance. It is really inspiring to follow along and see how another Mommy finds balance in her life because let's face it, as a Mom, it is the one thing that always seems to get the best of me!
One part of the sunshine award is that I am to share 11 things about myself so here goes...
1. I ran over 40 km last week. This to me is a huge accomplishment. It means if I break down my four runs of the week I averaged 10km/run. There was a time in my life that I didn't run 10km in a week so the fact that I do it several times a week is quite a testament to how seriously I have taken my health.
2. This past weekend was incredibly emotional for me. I had visits with two friends who have cancer diagnosis right now. It is not an easy journey they are on yet they manage to walk this road with grace. I am inspired by their spirit and tenacity.
3. We lived outside all weekend. The sun was shining and therefore we were not allowed to be inside. I was more than a little giddy to hear all the neighborhood kids playing in the street.
4. I am type A. I like to be in control. This is something that I am perpetually learning to not control. It is never easy.
5. As I have aged I notice things like crows feet appearing on my face. Some days that make me happy, they are attached to memories and smiles. Other days I think they just make me look older than I am.
6. I believe whole heartedly that God has given me a purpose. I try to live a purpose driven life because o f that.
7. I heart coffee.
Chocolate is my other love. Rich, dark chocolate.
8. Sometimes I forget what my life was like PM (pre Mike) then once in awhile I remember and I am so grateful to have found my lobster. He is the perfect person for me and I can not imagine one day of my life without him. Also, he does all the laundry!
9. As I have gotten older I have learned to value the simplicity of a good friendship. I no longer crave lots of friends or popularity. Instead I am thankful for the few strong friendships I have developed.
10. I wish I had a green thumb and a garden.
11. I like to add a little orange to my protein shake. It tastes like a creamsicle which tricks me into thinking I am having a milkshake for
I will be nominating others for a Sunshine award in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
mama. baby. drama: 40 in 40
mama. baby. drama: 40 in 40: For lent this year I plan on giving up stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. I plan on clearing out my house one bag at a time, 40 bags of stuff go...
40 in 40
For lent this year I plan on giving up stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. I plan on clearing out my house one bag at a time, 40 bags of stuff gone in 40 days. Want to join me? Here are the rules...if it isn't useful, loved or essential it is not allowed to live in my home anymore. You don't have to clear out a giant garbage bag everyday some days it may just be a small bag of old makeup some days it might be a few big old bags of clothes. I plan on cleaning out a different part of my home each day. The whole point of this is that less stuff equals less distractions. The less time I spend taking care of "things" the more time I can spend taking care of those I love and with less stuff there is less clutter which means less clutter for my mind and less clutter for my spirit.
I can not take full credit for this idea. I heard about it through a thread on Instagram but I think it is brilliant and I am inspired by the idea so I am jumping in and getting rid of 40 bags of things. If you feel inspired join in! Share with me what you are cleaning out. I will continue to blog the clearing out from our home over the next 40 days.
Since we are into the second day of lent I think I should share what I have already begun...
My closet and dresser were up first. I filled two very large garbage bags with clothes I don't wear, don't like and don't fit. The bags are being donated to a center that allows people in the community to come and "shop".
Second, I cleaned up the fridge. Expired items thrown out and all the extra junky magnets, flyers, and bits of stuff that have been cutting off my view of the lovely pictures we have been given by friends and family are gone. Today was only a small bag but I am happy to walk into my kitchen and actually see my fridge. Oh and we can enjoy Mike's collection of Jesus magnets again.
I can not take full credit for this idea. I heard about it through a thread on Instagram but I think it is brilliant and I am inspired by the idea so I am jumping in and getting rid of 40 bags of things. If you feel inspired join in! Share with me what you are cleaning out. I will continue to blog the clearing out from our home over the next 40 days.
Since we are into the second day of lent I think I should share what I have already begun...
My closet and dresser were up first. I filled two very large garbage bags with clothes I don't wear, don't like and don't fit. The bags are being donated to a center that allows people in the community to come and "shop".
Second, I cleaned up the fridge. Expired items thrown out and all the extra junky magnets, flyers, and bits of stuff that have been cutting off my view of the lovely pictures we have been given by friends and family are gone. Today was only a small bag but I am happy to walk into my kitchen and actually see my fridge. Oh and we can enjoy Mike's collection of Jesus magnets again.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Haircut for my Diva
mama. baby. drama: Haircut for my Diva: Evelyn's bangs have been obstructing her vision so it was time for a cut. I decided to take her to a new kids cut place in Avenida calle...
Haircut for my Diva
Evelyn's bangs have been obstructing her vision so it was time for a cut. I decided to take her to a new kids cut place in Avenida called Divas and Dudes. The website looked nice and their prices were reasonable so off we went.
The salon is bright and cheery with super friendly staff. Evelyn had her choice of four vintage looking metal cars, naturally she chose the pink one. Unlike other kid salons they don't have tv's playing movies. Instead, Evelyn was handed an ipad mini loaded up with games. This is brilliant, it kept her head down and her hands busy. It meant she she had a lot nicer cut that she has had in the past. When the cut was finished Evelyn got to choose from an assortment of hair mascara colors to have some "highlights".
On top of having four haircut chairs the salon also features a kids spa. I got a little sneak peek of the room and it is beautiful! There is a shimmery pink flowered wallpaper on the walls and a lovely chandelier. There is a long bench covered in fluffy cushions for the girls to sit on for their pedicures and pretty little chairs for the manicures. It is completely designed for kids even down to the teeny bopper magazines. Pedicures last 20 minutes, perfect for a little one to enjoy but not get too antsy and each month features a different ice cream scent for their spa time. Strawberry Shortcake is the scent for February and it smells delicious! We will definitely be coming in for some spa days.
Below is the salons price list for haircuts. Divas and Dudes offers many services beyond basic haircuts. From updos to birthday parties you will find lots of choices and prices to suit your needs.
1st haircut - $19 Your little diva or dude will receive and 1st hair cut certificate and a keepsake box for their precious locks.
On top of having four haircut chairs the salon also features a kids spa. I got a little sneak peek of the room and it is beautiful! There is a shimmery pink flowered wallpaper on the walls and a lovely chandelier. There is a long bench covered in fluffy cushions for the girls to sit on for their pedicures and pretty little chairs for the manicures. It is completely designed for kids even down to the teeny bopper magazines. Pedicures last 20 minutes, perfect for a little one to enjoy but not get too antsy and each month features a different ice cream scent for their spa time. Strawberry Shortcake is the scent for February and it smells delicious! We will definitely be coming in for some spa days.
Below is the salons price list for haircuts. Divas and Dudes offers many services beyond basic haircuts. From updos to birthday parties you will find lots of choices and prices to suit your needs.

Little Diva or Little Dude Hair Cut (7 yr & under) - $18 A buzz or trim finishing the style with streaks of color or a spritz of glitter.
The Big Dude's a Buzz (8 yr & up) - $22 A clipper of a cut for a cool short look.
The Diva and Dude Cut (8 yr & up) - $28 You’ll love being the main attraction with a shampoo and trendy cut and style.
Add some style to that cut and blow dry - $15
Bang trim - $7
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
mama. baby. drama: The Moment When...
mama. baby. drama: The Moment When...: It is that embarrassing moment when you are working out in your living room with no music and only one other person in the room, your traine...
The Moment When...
It is that embarrassing moment when you are working out in your living room with no music and only one other person in the room, your trainer (who is a man I might add) and you are doing sumo squat jumps and you hear your thighs clap together. Yes, I said thighs. clap. together. Someone kill me now!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Keeping it real...
mama. baby. drama: Keeping it real...: I have a 5 year old and 2 year old. They love each other dearly but they fight...a lot. Some days are great others not so much. They have be...
Keeping it real...
I have a 5 year old and 2 year old. They love each other dearly but they fight...a lot. Some days are great others not so much. They have been particularly miserable lately fighting over toys and being told "no". Some days you would think they had never been told no before. Here is a snapshot into some not so cheesy happy moments in our home.
sigh...she is 2. These moments are frequent. This particular moment I told her she couldn't have a bag of chocolate chips. |
Apparently when you can't play with your sister's new toy it also mean you can't play with anything in the entire house and you have never had any special...ever! |
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Evolution NOT Resolution...
mama. baby. drama: Evolution NOT Resolution...: It's an Evolution not a Resolution... I saw this saying at a Jugo Juice store recently and it struck a cord with me. I have spent many...
Evolution NOT Resolution...
It's an Evolution not a Resolution...
I saw this saying at a Jugo Juice store recently and it struck a cord with me. I have spent many years struggling with my weight, slowing gaining more and more. About a year and a half ago I decided enough was enough. I was going to be strong and I was going to be healthy. So I took up some good habits like regular exercise and eventually running. I love how I feel after a goodsweat sparkle session. It is easy for me to workout because I enjoy it. I like trying new workouts, I like pushing myself and I find it easy to make fitness a priority. However, I suck at food. I like... no... LOVE food. If I ate nothing but cheese and olives and dark chocolate for the rest of my life I would be happy (fat but happy). The idea of being on a "diet" is just something I could not even stand. I have tried very unsuccessfully in the past to reduce, not consume and starve myself and inevitably failed every time.
I am at this point where it is so intensely frustrating to work out so hard and not see the pounds come off as easily as I would like so I decided late December to make a complete food overhaul and see what would happen. January has come and gone and I have made big changes. I have reduced or taken many choices out of my diet. No wheat, minimal dairy, major sugar reduction. I think before I eat and I do my best to follow through on my menu plans. I lost 13.4 pounds in one month. I am not hungry. I am not deprived. I am just limiting my treats and watching all the rest of what goes in my mouth. I believe the reason why this time I am doing well is because I have figured out what works for my body. I am exercising AND eating right. Some days it is tough (read: I just really really really want sugar) but I stick it through because I know come the weekend I get my cheat meal and it will be worth it! It will mean I get sweet potato fries and desert! So because I plan and because I know that a treat is coming I am able to more or less do well on the non cheats.
This whole process to health for me has been an evolution. It has literally taken years to figure out how to take care of my body. To learn how to push it and how to fuel it. I am still learning, I still have a looooong ways to go but for the first time I have the right people supporting me and the right mentality in place. I am so excited to see what my body can do for me now that I am fueling it properly.
So, if you have any great protein filled recipes that don't use gluten or dairy please share! I am always open to trying new flavors.
Now, if you will excuse me my stomach is growling which means I am not bored but actually physically hungry so I am going to have a snack.
I saw this saying at a Jugo Juice store recently and it struck a cord with me. I have spent many years struggling with my weight, slowing gaining more and more. About a year and a half ago I decided enough was enough. I was going to be strong and I was going to be healthy. So I took up some good habits like regular exercise and eventually running. I love how I feel after a good
I am at this point where it is so intensely frustrating to work out so hard and not see the pounds come off as easily as I would like so I decided late December to make a complete food overhaul and see what would happen. January has come and gone and I have made big changes. I have reduced or taken many choices out of my diet. No wheat, minimal dairy, major sugar reduction. I think before I eat and I do my best to follow through on my menu plans. I lost 13.4 pounds in one month. I am not hungry. I am not deprived. I am just limiting my treats and watching all the rest of what goes in my mouth. I believe the reason why this time I am doing well is because I have figured out what works for my body. I am exercising AND eating right. Some days it is tough (read: I just really really really want sugar) but I stick it through because I know come the weekend I get my cheat meal and it will be worth it! It will mean I get sweet potato fries and desert! So because I plan and because I know that a treat is coming I am able to more or less do well on the non cheats.
This whole process to health for me has been an evolution. It has literally taken years to figure out how to take care of my body. To learn how to push it and how to fuel it. I am still learning, I still have a looooong ways to go but for the first time I have the right people supporting me and the right mentality in place. I am so excited to see what my body can do for me now that I am fueling it properly.
So, if you have any great protein filled recipes that don't use gluten or dairy please share! I am always open to trying new flavors.
Now, if you will excuse me my stomach is growling which means I am not bored but actually physically hungry so I am going to have a snack.
Monday, February 3, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Local. Handcrafted. Delicious. 4th Spot.
mama. baby. drama: Local. Handcrafted. Delicious. 4th Spot.: Over the weekend we went out with friends for lunch at one of my fave places, 4th Spot . I discovered this place by chance with my SIL ab...
Local. Handcrafted. Delicious. 4th Spot.
Over the weekend we went out with friends for lunch at one of my fave places, 4th Spot. I discovered this place by chance with my SIL about a year ago after a mani/pedi session and have been back several times since. This is the first time we have brought our kids along and it will not be the last!
Unfortunately they have no choices for a dairy or gluten free desert so if you have allergies or kids with them and plan on ordering desert come prepared. The menu however has a large selection of gluten and dairy free choices.
Gluten free fish tacos |
Saturday, February 1, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Feeling Sick...
mama. baby. drama: Feeling Sick...: Our little Harps gets sick...a lot. She did really well through November and December. No ER visits, her specialists were very happy with he...
Feeling Sick...
Our little Harps gets sick...a lot. She did really well through November and December. No ER visits, her specialists were very happy with her development. After starting a new medication for her allergies in October we had what I would say is about a 60% improvement in her GI issues (which are all allergy related). Harper has what the doctors call 'Delayed Anaphylaxis Allergic Colitis'. This means that if she has milk products they will do a lot of damage internally, specifically in her bowels and colon. This is largely why we have moved to a cleaner style of eating in our home. Most restaurants do not take care with their food and if I make it I know what is in it. Outside of her improved GI issues Harper was kicked out of neurology! Her myelin sheath delay seems to be improved and they were no longer concerned with neurological issues. However, she has been referred to an orthopedist to help with her pigeon toe and gait issues. These seem minor compared to a neuro delay so a happy dance was done in the hospital!
While most things have been going well Harper still struggles with getting sick. It seems to be a never ending cycle of croup and pneumonia. January had three ER visits for us. One for an allergy attack (Harps got a hold of a sippy cup of milk at a playdate).The other two were croup and pneumonia. What started as a simple cold turned quickly into croup. After two and half days of grumpy croupy time Harper got blue lips so I took her to the Children's Hospital. She was given her normal routine of steroids and epinephrine and we were sent home. Two days later we were back in the ER. Sigh. This time because she had run a 40 degree fever for what was now 4 days and even tylenol and advil were not helping anymore. Combined with the fact that Harper hadn't had a wet diaper in nearly 12 hours I figured it was time to go back. Harper's cough was no longer croupy but still really bugging her. My Mommy instincts told me something was going on. At the ER the Doctor checked her over said she was dehydrated and that the would rehydrate her and monitor until she started having wet diapers again. As Harper rehydrated her fever still was not going down so the Doctor decided to do a chest xray. Sure enough there was pneumonia there. Some of it looked bacterial so we began a round of antibiotics and went home. Harps is doing immensely better but at night she is coughing away and anytime she gets worked up, busy or running around she coughs and coughs and coughs. I feel so bad for her everytime she goes through this being sick sucks yet everytime we go in she loves on all the Doctors and nurses, makes two year old toddler jokes and entertains every one possible. She has a smile that can light up a room and a hug that can warm even the Grinch's heart.
Friday, January 31, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Not Delicious
mama. baby. drama: Not Delicious: I often make our own almond butter. It is ridiculously easy and a fraction of the cost of the stuff at the grocery store. Every once in awhi...
Not Delicious
I often make our own almond butter. It is ridiculously easy and a fraction of the cost of the stuff at the grocery store. Every once in awhile I like to think I am a masterer baker and get a little creative in the kitchen. A master baker is something I can occasionally pull but not often. I should really just leave it to the professionals (read: my sister and sister in law who really and truly are master bakers).
Here are my instructions for a not delicious made up almond and hazelnut butter.
Here are my instructions for a not delicious made up almond and hazelnut butter.
First make sure you underbake your almonds and hazelnuts so they won't release oils properly in the food processor |
At this point I should have just taken it out and had a gluten free flour but alas I kept on. |
Insert cute baby in a ridiculous outfit because she wants to help. At this point you still think you are doing a good job because the baby calls is "chocolate peanut butters" |
In the morning serve it on toast to your five year old. |
Thursday, January 30, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Tune My Heart
mama. baby. drama: Tune My Heart: Tune My Heart is a little business I have started with my childhood friend Becky. We named it for our favorite hymn, funny how we shared t...
Tune My Heart
Tune My Heart is a little business I have started with my childhood friend Becky. We named it for our favorite hymn, funny how we shared the same favorite. Becky and I refinish furniture, make wooden signs and recreate old pieces into new and lovely home decor. We are amazed and shocked and unbelievably excited at how well our little business is doing. We have big dreams for the future! For now, I wanted to show off some of my recent pieces...
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Such a lovely sentiment about love. This piece has been reodered in so many colors! I am excited to deliver to all the customers who ordered it. |
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This old cupboard door would have been long in the trash but instead it now serves as a lovely little serving tray. |
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Isn't the hardware on this old farmhouse window amazeballs! I did nothing to this hardware except for clean it. |
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Off and Running
Yesterday marked my first day of training for my first FULL marathon! I am both terrified and excited! I am not sure I can run a whopping 42km's but a year ago I said the same thing about training for my first half marathon and now three of them later I feel like I can and should probably do this.
It is amazing to me the range of emotions I can feel over the course of training for a race. Or even the range of emotions I can feel over a long run. The next six months are going to be quite a journey for me both emotionally and physically.
The photo below is Evelyn and I just before I ran the Calgary half marathon (my second half marathon). Evelyn ran the kids race that day. I was so very proud of her for working so hard. The kids race is a full marathon that runs over the course of a month. Each day the participant runs so they complete 41km by race day. Then on race day they run the last 1.2km. This year the Calgary marathon will mark my first full marathon and technically Evelyn's second.
Friday, January 24, 2014
mama. baby. drama: Trying new things
mama. baby. drama: Trying new things: I love my coffee...or as Mike calls them my "pish posh a lattes". I order my drink with 18 different specifications depending on m...
Trying new things
I love my coffee...or as Mike calls them my "pish posh a lattes". I order my drink with 18 different specifications depending on my mood. I even have been known to make up my own latte at the Starbucks drive thru. I like to order off menu...
In interest of fueling my body better and continuing to lose weight I have decided no more pish posh a lattes for me. I have drastically reduced my sugar intake (amongst other things like dairy and wheat). But I can NOT (read: will not am totally incapable of) giving up my coffee. I love espresso. Despite my best efforts I can not drink it black so I needed to come up with an alternative. I put on my big girl pants, got brave and tried something new. I ordered an Americano Misto. It was delicious! The perfect amount of espresso to milk (or almond milk if the coffee shop has it) to water. It is not terribly strong so I can enjoy it and I get my caffeine which I love so much.
Plus, the little local place by our house makes it look all pretty and if it looks pretty then surely it is delicious.
In interest of fueling my body better and continuing to lose weight I have decided no more pish posh a lattes for me. I have drastically reduced my sugar intake (amongst other things like dairy and wheat). But I can NOT (read: will not am totally incapable of) giving up my coffee. I love espresso. Despite my best efforts I can not drink it black so I needed to come up with an alternative. I put on my big girl pants, got brave and tried something new. I ordered an Americano Misto. It was delicious! The perfect amount of espresso to milk (or almond milk if the coffee shop has it) to water. It is not terribly strong so I can enjoy it and I get my caffeine which I love so much.
Plus, the little local place by our house makes it look all pretty and if it looks pretty then surely it is delicious.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Cibo...made to share
Last night we went out to celebrate my brother in law's birthday at Cibo, an amazingly decorated restaurant on 17th avenue. Their food is made fresh, served when it is ready and made to share! We have been several times in the past and always enjoyed ourselves, truth be told, it is one of my favorite places to eat in Calgary. The decor always draws me in. The entire restaurant is decorated with upcycled materials full of stories from days gone by.
When we arrived for our 6pm reservation they had a highchair ready at our table and menus were out. The kids menus are laminated and contain a simple menu that is perfect for children. There are a few pizza choices and some pasta dishes ranging in price from $5 - $7 My girls generally like the ham and pineapple pizza and since it is SO big we only need to order one. Yes, that means our kids eat for a teensy tiney bill of $3.50/each! Harper (our youngest) has a severe allergy to milk protein but Cibo has always happily accommodated her by only putting cheese on half the pizza or removing the cheese/milk parts from their pasta dishes. Last night was no different. The girls pizza came quickly and efficiently to our table bubbly and warm with half of the pizza cheese free.
I had salmon with risotto and fennel and Mike had a pizza. My salmon was moist and full of flavour, the risotto was tangy and creamy and I ate every last bite. Everyones dishes were well sized, fresh tasting and delicious. We followed our meal with the Panna Cotta for desert which was absolutely amazing and the girls shared a lemon sorbetto (yay! for dairy free deserts!). The lemon was quite tart but it didn't bother Harper. Evelyn however shared in our Panna Cotta.
While Cibo is largely family friendly they don't have kid cups, crayons etc... that you find in other traditional family friendly restaurants. Make sure to bring a sippy with you if you have young ones and a few activities to keep those littles from getting bored. I always carry a journal with crayons and a few activities for the kids in my bag so it was more or less unnoticed that they didn't have busy hands activities for the kids for our family and friends.
With their fresh, delicious menu, gorgeous decor and casual atmosphere I would recommend any family to eat at Cibo. It is a highly enjoyable experience. Just remember to bring a sippy for your little ones and a few activities to keep their little hands busy so you can enjoy your meal without having to entertain too much.
(photo taken from Cibo Calgary website)
When we arrived for our 6pm reservation they had a highchair ready at our table and menus were out. The kids menus are laminated and contain a simple menu that is perfect for children. There are a few pizza choices and some pasta dishes ranging in price from $5 - $7 My girls generally like the ham and pineapple pizza and since it is SO big we only need to order one. Yes, that means our kids eat for a teensy tiney bill of $3.50/each! Harper (our youngest) has a severe allergy to milk protein but Cibo has always happily accommodated her by only putting cheese on half the pizza or removing the cheese/milk parts from their pasta dishes. Last night was no different. The girls pizza came quickly and efficiently to our table bubbly and warm with half of the pizza cheese free.
I had salmon with risotto and fennel and Mike had a pizza. My salmon was moist and full of flavour, the risotto was tangy and creamy and I ate every last bite. Everyones dishes were well sized, fresh tasting and delicious. We followed our meal with the Panna Cotta for desert which was absolutely amazing and the girls shared a lemon sorbetto (yay! for dairy free deserts!). The lemon was quite tart but it didn't bother Harper. Evelyn however shared in our Panna Cotta.
While Cibo is largely family friendly they don't have kid cups, crayons etc... that you find in other traditional family friendly restaurants. Make sure to bring a sippy with you if you have young ones and a few activities to keep those littles from getting bored. I always carry a journal with crayons and a few activities for the kids in my bag so it was more or less unnoticed that they didn't have busy hands activities for the kids for our family and friends.
With their fresh, delicious menu, gorgeous decor and casual atmosphere I would recommend any family to eat at Cibo. It is a highly enjoyable experience. Just remember to bring a sippy for your little ones and a few activities to keep their little hands busy so you can enjoy your meal without having to entertain too much.
(photo taken from Cibo Calgary website)
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Welcome 2014
Another year has come and gone and of course with that comes a whole new set of goals. I am incredibly proud of what last year was for me and of course my family.
Mike made a job switch and enjoys the new environment, the new pay and the new opportunities. He has some very interesting clients to do IT work for. It is fun to hear some of his stories. Some crazy, some cute, some boring (shhhh don't tell him. I find most of his work to be mostly boring).
Harper turned 2! epps. My baby is BIG. She has been running and climbing and using what seems like millions of words. Harper still struggles with her milk allergy. She has what the doctors have diagnosed as 'Anaphalctic Allergic Collitis'. Essentially this means she can't have any type of milk proteins. They are bad for her! They can kill her or at least cause some serious damage. This has led us to live what I call a "semi crunchy" life. We have become much more organic and natural in our home. If I make it then we know what is in it. This started for Harper's benefit but then we began to realize we all feel better without all the processed food and chemicals in our bodies. Harper love her snuggles so baby wearing became an essential in our home and I am both happy and proud to say my little girl is still rear facing in her carseat at just over 2 years old.
Evelyn is a big whopping 5 years old. She is in kindergarten at the Catholic French Immersion school near our home. They have a lovely sense of community with a very missional attitude. It is very much in line with our way of living and we appreciate that she can go to a school so much in line with our values. Evelyn is bright and lovely and smart. She loves to draw, so much so that we recently registered her for an art class. She continues to dance, this year it is jazz and just as stinking adorable as it was the last two years!
Finally me! I think I had the biggest year of all. Which is odd to say as I am in the thirties but it truly was. I took up running! Between March and October I ran 2 5km races, 2 10km races and 3 half marathons. I never thought I could run a whopping 21km, let along several times in a year. It has been fantastic for my mental and physical health. I have to say my highlight race was definitely San Francisco where I ran the Nike Womens Marathon. What a thrill to run the Embarcadero, the Golden Gate Bridge, pass through the California Redwoods and finish on the beach. While running I also managed to turn it into fundraising. I raised $7000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada in memory of my Father in Law who passed from cancer. I already have BIG goals for this year that include Seattle and my first full marathon in my home city. I also just accepted a volunteer opportunity with Made by Momma (a local charity I love) to mentor and "coach" their charity race team. Participants will be running anything from 5km to a full marathon all in the name of charity and I get to lead the charge. Also very exciting for me was the opportunity to start a little online business with my childhood friend. We are refinishing old furniture and lovely crafting and upcycling items to be used as home decor. It is so wonderful to be creative, use my hands and continue to recycle in order to support my semi crunchy life.
Aside from running my goals this year include making a quilt, growing some garden vegetables with the girls, trying out some different yoga classes and blog. I love to write, I love to share our stories so I am focused on pursuing this endeavor. Watch out for pictures, stories and many many more adventures this year.
Now, if you will excuse me I need to unplug and watch some Duck Dynasty with my hubby. I promised him we could watch an episode tonight. He puts up with all my girly goofy shows so I guess I better put up with boyish goofy show as
Mike made a job switch and enjoys the new environment, the new pay and the new opportunities. He has some very interesting clients to do IT work for. It is fun to hear some of his stories. Some crazy, some cute, some boring (shhhh don't tell him. I find most of his work to be mostly boring).
Harper turned 2! epps. My baby is BIG. She has been running and climbing and using what seems like millions of words. Harper still struggles with her milk allergy. She has what the doctors have diagnosed as 'Anaphalctic Allergic Collitis'. Essentially this means she can't have any type of milk proteins. They are bad for her! They can kill her or at least cause some serious damage. This has led us to live what I call a "semi crunchy" life. We have become much more organic and natural in our home. If I make it then we know what is in it. This started for Harper's benefit but then we began to realize we all feel better without all the processed food and chemicals in our bodies. Harper love her snuggles so baby wearing became an essential in our home and I am both happy and proud to say my little girl is still rear facing in her carseat at just over 2 years old.
Evelyn is a big whopping 5 years old. She is in kindergarten at the Catholic French Immersion school near our home. They have a lovely sense of community with a very missional attitude. It is very much in line with our way of living and we appreciate that she can go to a school so much in line with our values. Evelyn is bright and lovely and smart. She loves to draw, so much so that we recently registered her for an art class. She continues to dance, this year it is jazz and just as stinking adorable as it was the last two years!
Finally me! I think I had the biggest year of all. Which is odd to say as I am in the thirties but it truly was. I took up running! Between March and October I ran 2 5km races, 2 10km races and 3 half marathons. I never thought I could run a whopping 21km, let along several times in a year. It has been fantastic for my mental and physical health. I have to say my highlight race was definitely San Francisco where I ran the Nike Womens Marathon. What a thrill to run the Embarcadero, the Golden Gate Bridge, pass through the California Redwoods and finish on the beach. While running I also managed to turn it into fundraising. I raised $7000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada in memory of my Father in Law who passed from cancer. I already have BIG goals for this year that include Seattle and my first full marathon in my home city. I also just accepted a volunteer opportunity with Made by Momma (a local charity I love) to mentor and "coach" their charity race team. Participants will be running anything from 5km to a full marathon all in the name of charity and I get to lead the charge. Also very exciting for me was the opportunity to start a little online business with my childhood friend. We are refinishing old furniture and lovely crafting and upcycling items to be used as home decor. It is so wonderful to be creative, use my hands and continue to recycle in order to support my semi crunchy life.
Aside from running my goals this year include making a quilt, growing some garden vegetables with the girls, trying out some different yoga classes and blog. I love to write, I love to share our stories so I am focused on pursuing this endeavor. Watch out for pictures, stories and many many more adventures this year.
Now, if you will excuse me I need to unplug and watch some Duck Dynasty with my hubby. I promised him we could watch an episode tonight. He puts up with all my girly goofy shows so I guess I better put up with boyish goofy show as
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