Thursday, January 16, 2014

Welcome 2014

Another year has come and gone and of course with that comes a whole new set of goals. I am incredibly proud of what last year was for me and of course my family.

Mike made a job switch and enjoys the new environment, the new pay and the new opportunities. He has some very interesting clients to do IT work for. It is fun to hear some of his stories. Some crazy, some cute, some boring (shhhh don't tell him. I find most of his work to be mostly boring).

Harper turned 2! epps. My baby is BIG. She has been running and climbing and using what seems like millions of words. Harper still struggles with her milk allergy. She has what the doctors have diagnosed as 'Anaphalctic Allergic Collitis'. Essentially this means she can't have any type of milk proteins. They are bad for her! They can kill her or at least cause some serious damage. This has led us to live what I call a "semi crunchy" life. We have become much more organic and natural in our home. If I make it then we know what is in it. This started for Harper's benefit but then we began to realize we all feel better without all the processed food and chemicals in our bodies. Harper love her snuggles so baby wearing became an essential in our home and I am both happy and proud to say my little girl is still rear facing in her carseat at just over 2 years old.

Evelyn is a big whopping 5 years old. She is in kindergarten at the Catholic French Immersion school near our home. They have a lovely sense of community with a very missional attitude. It is very much in line with our way of living and we appreciate that she can go to a school so much in line with our values. Evelyn is bright and lovely and smart. She loves to draw, so much so that we recently registered her for an art class. She continues to dance, this year it is jazz and just as stinking adorable as it was the last two years!

Finally me! I think I had the biggest year of all. Which is odd to say as I am in the thirties but it truly was. I took up running! Between March and October I ran 2 5km races, 2 10km races and 3 half marathons. I never thought I could run a whopping 21km, let along several times in a year. It has been fantastic for my mental and physical health. I have to say my highlight race was definitely San Francisco where I ran the Nike Womens Marathon. What a thrill to run the Embarcadero, the Golden Gate Bridge, pass through the California Redwoods and finish on the beach. While running I also managed to turn it into fundraising. I raised $7000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada in memory of my Father in Law who passed from cancer. I already have BIG goals for this year that include Seattle and my first full marathon in my home city. I also just accepted a volunteer opportunity with Made by Momma (a local charity I love) to mentor and "coach" their charity race team. Participants will be running anything from 5km to a full marathon all in the name of charity and I get to lead the charge. Also very exciting for me was the opportunity to start a little online business with my childhood friend. We are refinishing old furniture and lovely crafting and upcycling items to be used as home decor. It is so wonderful to be creative, use my hands and continue to recycle in order to support my semi crunchy life.

Aside from running my goals this year include making a quilt, growing some garden vegetables with the girls, trying out some different yoga classes and blog. I love to write, I love to share our stories so I am focused on pursuing this endeavor. Watch out for pictures, stories and many many more adventures this year.

Now, if you will excuse me I need to unplug and watch some Duck Dynasty with my hubby. I promised him we could watch an episode tonight. He puts up with all my girly goofy shows so I guess I better put up with boyish goofy show as

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