Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 in 40

For lent this year I plan on giving up stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. I plan on clearing out my house one bag at a time, 40 bags of stuff gone in 40 days. Want to join me? Here are the rules...if it isn't useful, loved or essential it is not allowed to live in my home anymore. You don't have to clear out a giant garbage bag everyday some days it may just be a small bag of old makeup some days it might be a few big old bags of clothes. I plan on cleaning out a different part of my home each day. The whole point of this is that less stuff equals less distractions. The less time I spend taking care of "things" the more time I can spend taking care of those I love and with less stuff there is less clutter which means less clutter for my mind and less clutter for my spirit.

I can not take full credit for this idea. I heard about it through a thread on Instagram but I think it is brilliant and I am inspired by the idea so I am jumping in and getting rid of 40 bags of things. If you feel inspired join in! Share with me what you are cleaning out. I will continue to blog the clearing out from our home over the next 40 days.

Since we are into the second day of lent I think I should share what I have already begun...

My closet and dresser were up first. I filled two very large garbage bags with clothes I don't wear, don't like and don't fit. The bags are being donated to a center that allows people in the community to come  and "shop".

Second, I cleaned up the fridge. Expired items thrown out and all the extra junky magnets, flyers, and bits of stuff that have been cutting off my view of the lovely pictures we have been given by friends and family are gone. Today was only a small bag but I am happy to walk into my kitchen and actually see my fridge. Oh and we can enjoy Mike's collection of Jesus magnets again.

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