Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quran burning in Florida

While watching the news tonight I was very disheartened to hear of Pastor Jones in Florida and his plan to have a Quran burning. As someone of devout faith I always worry about the ripple effects of misguided 'Christians'. While listening to Pastor Jones speak I was shocked to hear his reasoning that Jesus was a man of action who often did extreme things to prove his point. That Pastor Jones believes if Jesus was here today he would participate in the burning event is so sad to me. Jesus would never instill this amount of prejudice or hatred into anyone.

I truly believe that God works in mysterious ways and has an incredible way of bringing good to any situation. I hope and pray that He is able to work a miracle into this one. I pray for the beautiful Pastor in the neighbouring church who is hosting an evening of peace and love at the same time as Pastor Jones' awful hatred filled event. I pray for all the brave men and women who are working so hard overseas to protect people like Pastor Jones and I pray that these awful actions will not harm those soldiers in any way. I pray thay Pastor Jones will see the error in his actions, receive a divine intervention from God and turn away from the awful event planned.

I hope that you all will pray for peace, understanding and love.

In his service,


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